I am 33. I am a runner. I am also an eater. I am a big eater. I love to eat, drink and be merry! However, my waistline has been rebelling against me lately, reminding me that I am not 20, and I can no longer eat a whole pizza or an entire box of Girl Scout Cookies in one sitting.
I tell you, after years of throwing caution to the wind I find it very hard to regulate my eating. When I am hungry, I eat. When I am bored, I eat. I love sitting down with a magazine and a snack, and if I actually chance to turn on the TV I like to eat then too.
Luckily I have a friend who speaks my language. I met MM in college. She is one of the best juggers I know, she is physically fit, and she loves to eat! We like to get together for lunch at one of those Chinese Buffet places, and it really is nice to talk with someone who enjoys her food as much as I do. Last time we got together we were contemplating the whole getting older, slowing metabolism issue. She told me that studies have found that long distance runners actually burn much less calories than originally thought. Boy, that stinks. I was hoping that as I got older I woudn't have to eat less, just run more, and that would take care of things! Somehow I don't think that is going to be the case.
For now, I need to up my measly 12 miles a week that I am barely managing to get in, or cut out some of the quantites of food that I enjoy. Also "teaching" the kids cooking skills by making deserts with them almost every night might not be the best choice :)