We got 3 female Delawares from the Hatchery this year. When mature, they look like a White Rock, but with some black feathers in the tail and wings, and black markings around the neck.
Now, we also hatched several White Rocks in the incubator. When mature, they are snow white, and as chicks they also feather out as all white.
The chicks are all 4 weeks old now, and it looks as if we have 4 Delawares! One of our White Rocks has the markings of a Delaware and I have no idea which chicks are the REAL Delawares and which is the White Rock. Can you tell?
I'm thinking that the rooster (the one on the right) is the White Rock because I ordered females from the hatchery and even though they do sometimes make a mistake they were all smaller than the ones we hatched, and they still are. Now if that rooster does turn out to be one of the Delawares I will be happy to have him. The rooster we have now is vicious and I would be thrilled to put him in the pot!
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