Last week we packed up the kids and headed down to Lexington, KY for the International Jugglers Association festival. Brian and I are so rusty, but we have never been to an IJA festival and this one was only 4 hours away. Plus, my sister lives in Lexington, so we were able to drop the kids off with her while we attended workshops and the like. It was really great. It was just a great feeling to be around so many other jugglers, and learn and observe and enjoy ourselves in a like-minded environment. We were able to attend the youth showcase and juniors championship and we were completely blown out of the water by the ability of those kids! Seriously, most of those kids were better than most of the jugglers at the convention. AWESOME.
This photo isn't mine, but it's so cool that I wanted to post it anyway. At the end of the festival there was a toss-up in the gym, what a celebration!! I still can't figure out what those white, blobby things are in the front-they look like plastic bags!

A family shot outside of the convention center:

And finally, doing what we do best:
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