Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We've been cooped up this past week while F. and C. suffered through the chicken pox. Honestly, it was not as bad as I thought it would be. About 3 itchy days and then the spots started to scab over. M. has not broken out yet, and I am amazed. How could he have not have contracted this when he was exposed at the same time as the other two? So now we have to wait another 10-21 days to see if he breaks out from exposure to his own brother and sister *sigh*

So anyway, the kids have been lounging around, and I'll tell ya, I could get used to this lounging around business. Not having to go anywhere or do anything for a week has been agreeing with me. I am enjoying sipping my tea and snuggling under a blanket to watch Elf for the hundredth time with the kids. I got all the ironing done. I was able to run for 5 evenings in a row. The house is neat and schoolwork is done. It feels good to ditch committments and relax.

Here's a pic of the damage on my lovely C:


And a puzzle we finished in two days (only becuase we were home of course. Otherwise it would have sat on the table for a week). It's a winter one, but it's cold enough here to be winter so it's fitting-plus it's pretty:



Anonymous said...

An impressive feat, finishing that puzzle so quickly! Hope your kiddos fared well through the chickenpox. Looks like Miss C had a good amount of spots!

My babe did well, with over 200 spots (!), she was uncomfy and itchy for about 48 hrs (and several sleepless nights, groan) but that was the worst of it. Definitely back to her old self now :) We stayed quarantined at home a couple days too, though we did not accomplish any wonderful puzzles! (did tackle a gigantic heap o' laundry, does that count?!)

Your blog is wonderful! And even though I'm a hard-core vegan, I think your chicken eggs are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Amy. that picture is how I always picture her, and always will