Friday, March 20, 2009

Oh my poor little neglected blog. I'm sorry I haven't written for so long! My friends introduced me to Facebook and I just haven't seen the need to take the time to write a few paragraphs here when I can write a sentence on FB and feel complete. Plus, poeple actually respond and write comments on FB, and nobody reads you. But since I'm here anyway....

I put 13 Welsummer eggs in the incubator Wednesday. The Buckeye eggs didn't make it here in time to hatch the two breeds together, so I'll have to do two seperate hatches. That's okay with me I guess, it means I'll just have a dozen chicks in my kitchen at one time, instead of twice that. I can't believe that I considered not hatching chicks this year. It would be a lonely spring without any little fluffy butts to play with, I think I would actually cry over that.

Running is going well. The longer days mean that I can get my runs in AFTER I get home from the kids evening activities, so I'm slowly upping my mileage. I'm getting 15-16 miles a week now up from a pathetic 6-10 in January and 8-11 in February. I have had some really nice, warm runs in shorts and T-shirts this week, and I'm loving spring. I have a 10k race on April 19th.

Things are good at home. I am no longer stressed about B's job situation, just content to let the chips fall where they may. We'll know the outcome mid-May.

Time to find something to make for dinner, and get on my running clothes~

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