It is my opinion that 5 is the perfect age for your child when you are a parent. I loved the age of 5 with my older two kids. They loved to cuddle and be carried, but they also were big enough to do much on their own. They were curious about how the world worked and were full of endless questions, but they also were forming their own opinions. They were on the verge of really reading and writing, but they still loved to be read to and held on laps. Five is the age when you really begin to see the person your child is becoming, and you love that little person!
My little Miles is the quintessential five year old. He can spend hours sitting still and building a Lego set, but he also has the need to run around the house endlessly as if he doesn't have to ever rest. He wants to learn to ride his bike without training wheels, but he is still afraid to try. He loves to pet soft animals and he can be very gentle and loving to our cats, but he can also visciously chase them with his toy cars and terrorize them with his yelling.
Miles still sleeps with us in our bed most of the time. We can convince him to sleep in his room with his brother once in awhile, but he is so cute and so cuddly that we can't resist letting him in. We know he is our last child, and with the years slipping by so quickly, we want to squeeze in every last cuddle and kiss that we can. It won't be long before those little hands are no longer reaching for ours in the night, and we won't remember the sound of his little voice.
I know that with each child's birthday there is a bittersweetness that is unavoidable. But with FIVE there is so much to enjoy right now!
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