Sunday, October 12, 2008

Orthotics update part 2

Well, after a week with the orthotics, I must say that so far I am very pleased with them. I have not had any notable soreness or pain in my ankles, knees, back, or any of the areas that my chiropractor alerted me to. Yesterday I wore my running shoes all day running errands and the like, and I realized that I hadn't thought about the orthotics all day! So that must mean that I am used to them :) After a 4 mile run today they felt fine, so I am thinking that the breaking in period is about over. The real test will come in how they perform over time and once I start really increasing my mileage. If my feet can handle it I will be ecstatic! I do still have a little mental hang up about them being "heavy". I know that I will get over this once I stop thinking about them being in my shoes during my runs, but right now I am so acutely aware of them that I almost feel them slowing me down.

I will get to see how these things work during a race this weekend. My mom called me today and asked me if I wanted to run a 5k with some family this weekend. I said sure, but honestly, I am not thrilled about running another 5k. I am so sick of them-I really would prefer not to even think about 5k's for a good long time. But, it's for family, so what the heck. Maybe I can rustle up a little excitement :)

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