This is really exciting because we expected Sugar to lay brown eggs. Her father was our White Rock roo, and her mother was an Easter Egger. Her mother laid green eggs, but my research last year (NOT scientific by any means) led us to believe that the male determines the egg color of their offspring. So the fact that Sugar lays green eggs blows this theory out of the water. Sugar's eggs are a dark olive green. The darker the egg is, the more brown-eggs layers the hen has in her family tree. So I would say that Sugar is pretty far removed from an Americauna chicken, but she still lays pretty eggs!
Here is a picture of Sugar's egg (in the middle). On the left is Penny's brown egg, she is also a pullet which is why her egg is small. For comparison, I put one of our White Rock's eggs on the right. The pullet eggs will grow in size as the hen matures:
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