Eight years- how could it be this already?
I would love to post a picture of you as a baby, but we did not have a digital camera then. In fact, we were new parents and we didn't think there was a need for a digital camera or a video camera or any sort of photo organizing system. Alas, you got shorted when it came to documenting your early years. The earliest digital image I have of you is this one when you were 2.5.
Look at those chubby cheeks and big blue eyes! Your eyes are still big and blue, but your chubby cheeks have been replaced with a leaner, older face. This past year you have really grown up, and that sweet little toddler has been replaced with a fiercly independent, creative and positively unique boy who surprises us, pleases us and infuriates us regularly.
F, you are my heart. My oldest boy, my mini-me. My lego-building, Calvin and Hobbes reading, super-hero loving, naturally athletic and musically inclined child of promise, and joy of my life.
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