Thursday, January 24, 2008

A little family vacation

A little vacation never hurt anyone. Unless you are a parent of young children and you go to a waterpark and get dragged around to every waterslide until you collapse with exhaustion. We attended a homeschool gathering, okay technically it was for unschoolers, but who's being technical? It was at a huge indoor waterpark which we are lucky enough to live within driving distance of. I admit, it felt wonderful to splash in the warm water, knowing that it was 20 degrees outside. And it was really cool to be surrounded by other home educators and their families. But we have an older one who wants to do everything and a very young one who can't do anything, so for most of the time our family is split. I spent quite a bit of time on the lounge chair with M while he nursed or napped, chatting with the knitting woman beside me who was lucky enough to have children that were old enough to go off without supervision. Still, it was lovely to get away for a couple of days. I'm always a fan of that-

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dearest Gigi 1921-2008

Dear Grandma,

I miss you already. I miss your laugh, your soft brown eyes, and your wrinkled hands. I miss your generous spirit, your sharp wit, and your honesty. I hate the fact that I will miss your funeral.

Remeber the time when I came to visit you in South Carolina, and you took me to see South Pacific? I remember so many things about your home there. The birds on the sofa and the birds on the sheets. The mallard duck decoys that Grandpa liked. The ping-pong table in the basement, and how I was so ashamed when I broke one of your paddles because I was angry at my sister and I hit it too hard on the table. The walks we would take around the marina, and the days spent swimming at the pool. I remember going to the video store and renting movies to watch on a rainy day and eating Jello Pudding Pops on the deck. You always had butterschotch discs in the kitchen and I remember how your favorite candy was butterum Lifesavers.

You always cried at the drop of a hat, and my cousins and I would laugh at your loud belches you were so well known for. You would tell us to look away as you drank the milk out of your cereal bowl, and you would do cartwheels for me on the lawn.

Remember your 6oth birthday party? Remember your 65th birthday party? I don't think some people ever recovered from those! I remember watching video from your 65th birthday party the next day at your home and my aunts and uncles kept rewinding the part where you got the balloon ornament over and over again. How we all laughed at your sentimentality and tears-and then at your surprise when you opened your card for a balloon ride! I hated to sing in public, but I did it for you Grandma. I think your 65th party was the last time I remember enjoying singing for an audience, and it was for you!

When I grew into an adult you were there for me, even though we saw each other so infrequently. As you grew older you remained the same to me, and you became a special person in my children's life. F and C still want to hear about Herbert the Lion, and I'm glad that F is old enough to keep some memories of you as he grows.

My most recent memories of being with you are this past Christmas. We played games, we ate, we opened gifts, and yes, you drank too much! How strange it will be to not have your liquor in Mom's kitchen cabinet, your coffee in the freezer, your "room" will be empty. I will miss drinking tea with you and just talking with you, Grandma.

I love you Grandma.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Guess what we got today?

Our first brown egg! I am almost sure this came from Comet, our sex-link hen. She was strutting around crowing loudly, and she has been showing signs that she is ready to lay for awhile. C found the egg, and surprised us with it this morning. We've gotten used to having blue and green eggs, the brown one is a nice change.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Oh glorious day! It was in the 50's-in January! Unbelievable. Tomorrow may hit 60. I'll actually have to run in shorts and expose my lily white legs.

I took down the Christmas tree today, and packed up the last of the decorations. Even with the mild weather I couldn't help but listen to my Christmas music mix on my ipod one last time. The Christmas season goes by way too fast for me. Winter nights are dark, and without the lights from our tree our house is dark. Dark and sad and depressing. I couldn't bear to pack away all the cheer, so I took my little miniature tree up to my room, and I may leave it up awhile. It helps. I never thought I was a Christmas in July type, but maybe I'm changing...