Saturday, August 14, 2010

A year and 4 months later....

I like this blog.
Just because I haven't posted in over a year doesn't mean that I have forgotten that I have a blog. I think about it often. I even printed out my previous entries so I could have a hard copy of them. I just have not been ready to write until now. I like to write when I feel positive and focused, and honestly, this past year has been a challenge on both counts. I have really had to focus on myself and my family in order to get through some things, and I am finally starting to feel like things are good again.
I still have my chickens and I still run, but the days when I wrote blog entry after blog entry about my chickens is probably over. My challenges now have become much less about myself and much more about my family and the people I relate to frequently. In one short year I have become a wiser, more thoughtful woman, and it has been a tough but also rewarding change.