Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 18, and a lovely gift!

Today is Day 18 for the eggs and I am so excited I can hardly stand it!!! Tonight I will take the eggs out of the turner, make sure the water in the bator is full, and wait for the pipping to begin. Day 21 is Friday and I just know we will be peering into that incubator all day long.

Sunday our neighbors brought us a wonderful gift. A chicken tractor! They said they wouldn't be using it anymore and they brought it to us! It was so timely, as I was just starting to stress about how to house the new chicks once they outgrow the brooder. I still have to build a new coop for them later to house them permanently, but at least now I have a little more time.

I have big plans for this tractor! Today I will give it a good cleaning in and out. Then, I need to modify the doors on the house inside so I can close them at night (to protect the chicks from possible nighttime predators). I will also need to put some hardware cloth over the wire that is already on there because it doesn't offer enough protection for chicks. Finally, a new paint job will help it out quite a bit. I'm thinking white with a red chicken stenciled on the door.


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